10 Reasons to Take a Vacation

For the past year and a half, I have spent almost all of my time trying to prepare and better myself for my career and craft that I had worked so hard to define. That’s a a whole 18 months only thinking about how I can be better and how much more I need to do to get to where I want professionally. 18 straight months. 18 months without a legitimate break; I had taken self-care days a few times a month, however, never a full break that allowed a refresher on why I loved working to achieve my goals. I often look back at hardships that I faced and wonder if many of them stemmed from the fact that I haven’t had a true break (meaning no job to work, no theatre to go to, and no school work to worry about). So, I decided to test this theory and then shed some light the findings that I’ve found for myself. I’m a firm believer that the discoveries from others are good research for when you’re finding your own way through the struggle of adulthood. For the first time in eighteen months, I took a real vacation and now I have TEN reasons why everyone deserves a break!


    In case you didn’t know, taking frequent vacations are great for your physical and psychological health. There have been numerous studies that point out an improvement in positive thinking, lower levels of stress, and more motivation to achieve your goals! I talked about self-care in a previous podcast episode, but I still stand by it that taking time for yourself is so so useful.

  2. they give us a new perspective

    Whether it’s discovering a new country, or a new spot in everyday life, anyone can find new perspective in time away from your reality. If you have the right mindset, I feel like anyone can gain something positive out of any travel situation. Personally, I love learning culture and I will try new places in the city all the time to just get a small taste of what I’ve been missing my entire life.


    Okay, so this may sound super contradictory BUT I really think that this is an important fact to any vacation. Yes, vacation is obviously a time to step away from your job/career but once you’ve rejuvenated your body, 9 times out of 10, you’re ready to do something productive. I know when I go home from vacation, I feel ready to discover new things about the love of my career, I want to be better and do better for myself.


    Like I said in Reason #2, you don’t have to fly to a small island and spend a billion dollars on some beach vacation. Here’s what I do: I have family that have moved all over the country and I ask them if they mind if I sleep on their couch. A lot of times, they will have no problems with you being there! (A lot of my family is very close, so that may be why I have the advantage). If you don’t have family, there is a booking program called AirBNB (I’m sure you’ve heard of it) where there are normal people who rent out their places cheaper than what you would find in a hotel! I actually prefer AirBNB because you’re much more immersed into whatever city/town you’ve gone to. Find your own adventure!

  5. You’re allowed to visit family

    Majority of my family have found themselves in the same place, however, there are a few that have moved here and there throughout the country. My most recent vacation, a lovely trip to the coast, I have been able to spend it with a cousin of mine. We have always been super close, and I was so excited when she allowed me to use my vacation time with her. Honestly, I love going on vacation to see family because they typically know ALL the better restaurants, bars, and fun places (with social distancing, of course. Always wear a mask and be safe).

  6. you can get good content for social media

    Okay, maybe this one is just me but I love a good photo-op when I have the chance! I’m also a big fan of a good photo-op because, to me, it allows me to feel good in my own skin. Sure, there are many things that I would love to change about my body and I notice these imperfections almost immediately. However, I like to use these as incentives to continue working hard on my healthy eating and exercise lifestyle.

  7. You might just find a new favorite movie!

    So, over this vacation I watched a few movies. Actually, a lot of them because I took a day and just laid on the couch to do nothing. I’ve found that scrolling through older movies (that were great back in the day) is so fun because it reminds you of how you grew up! Or, at least, it does for me. I am guilty for watching the Twilight series during this break and it just made me remember how happy these movies made me. Although, I’m not a huge fan anymore, it is a reminder of simpler times.

  8. It’s an escape from reality

    This one may be my FAVORITE (and the best) reason why everyone should take at least one vacation. I feel like it’s easy to get trapped in reality, especially when work seems like a mountain impossible to climb over. Hell, even your personal life can take a toll on you when it comes to stress, like fighting with a significant other or being distant from friends. Either way, with a vacation, you can easily escape from that harsh reality and doing nothing has never felt better.

  9. say goodbye to diet/exercise

    This one might sound harsh, but I swear it isn’t supposed to. I am a hardcore fitness JUNKIE. I workout constantly, however, I noticed that my body consistently didn’t feel like working out anymore. I think part of this was my mentality and tiredness catching up with me. There for about a week or so, I was making excuses not to workout, when I knew good and well that I would feel like garbage if I didn’t. While on vacation, I decided not to worry about working out AT ALL. I took clothes just in case, but ultimately, I decided against it because working out just wasn’t on my agenda for this. My body needed a break. And, if you’re worried about losing muscle, I googled it: You actually won’t lose muscle after only 7 days, you can actually allow the muscles to heal if there are any unnecessary tears in it! Interesting facts, right?

  10. relax, refresh, regroup

    Has something been bothering you extremely lately? Are you stressed out? Is work being a bitch? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need a vacation. My issue was that my personal life was running rampant, like running a marathon without me. SO, I took it upon myself to relax and use that time to stop thinking about it. Obviously it crossed my mind a few times, but when you’re mind is preoccupied with the interactions you have over a vacation, then you are less-likely to become upset over what has been bothering you. I like to use that time to give it some thought, and usually that will generate a gut reaction, which is better than making a rash decision under anger or sadness. Thus, allowing you to regroup your thoughts. I think this is important, considering we often make harsh decisions when we’re angry (or, I do at least. Maybe it’s just me), just because with anger comes hurt especially towards another person.

So, that’s all I have! I know that not every person has the same financial situation as others, but I encourage you to find something to do that is within your budget and take something positive out of it. It seems that finding happiness is difficult these days, but humans often wait for happiness to come their way instead of striving to get it for themselves. I’m a firm believer that we get what we work for, and sometimes you just have to take your own happiness, mental health, and physical health into your own hands!

Stay happy, be kind to yourself, and continue to strive for greatness!

Until next time,

xoxoxoxo- Frankie