Dear Mr. President, Can You Hear Me?
Dear Mr. President,
I’m scared.
Like many Americans, I have been sitting by my computer for hours constantly refreshing the feed just to see the updates to the blue and red map of our country. Like many election years, there is much at stake for you, as well as us as citizens. But unlike past elections, this one scares many of us in particular. This year is personal, this year is revolutionary, this is supposed to be our year.
You say you are for the people, isn’t that why you were elected in the first place? However, I find it difficult to believe that. You have repeatedly denounced science in response to the mistake you made by allowing the pandemic to spread, but was it because you truly didn’t believe in science or because you were afraid to admit you’d made a mistake? I’ve always been taught that it takes great strength to admit when you’re wrong, and had you done that, maybe we could label you something other than coward since you seem to have a long wrap sheet you’re still dealing with. I’m a forgiving person, truly, however you continually denounce the facts of science when the real matter is your pride has filled you with hate and ignorance. The truth of the matter is, we have no idea what this virus is capable of, and it’s scary. Are you the person to blame? No. But are you the leader of the free world who could’ve had a plan to fight this battle instead of hiding from it? Absolutely. The entertainment industry is suffering. My industry is suffering. Students have had to sacrifice their education. People have lost their lives. I can’t imagine the weight on your shoulders, but your social media says otherwise. It says you don’t care, and that’s scary.
You say you are for the people, yet still use derogatory slurs towards BIPOC fighting for their lives? I thought we lived in the free world, where the United States is supposed to be for everyone wanting a better life. And yes, it’s true that not everyone comes here for the right reasons, or for the right way. I don’t have all the answers, but isn’t there a better way than closing the borders to those wishing for a better life? Isn’t there a better way than ripping children away from their families to put them in cages? What about the protestors who have been labeled thugs, who are being forced into violence because you aren’t listening? Equality is something this country brags about, yet where is it when the people ask for it? I know this is a lot of questions, but I genuinely don’t know how to answer them.
You say you are for the people, then why are you confirming a justice who is outwardly against everything Ruth Bader Ginsberg fought for? And why were you and McConnell so quick to react to the empty seat? While it hurts so many Americans, it just proves that when you want something bad enough, you don’t care to rush it forward. Where is this speed with other issues in America? Must not be on the agenda.
I wrote this letter to provoke thoughts and ask questions, not fight. While I seem biased against you, it is only because I personally can’t imagine standing onstage and having every opportunity to denounce racism in this country, and not doing it. I can’t imagine trying to tell a woman what rights she has with her body. I can’t imagine telling a same-sex couple that they can’t be married. I can’t imagine having so many deaths of Americans on my hands. I realize you are one man, you are. But leaders don’t hide. Leaders don’t let their pride get the best of them. Leaders support, listen, and learn from their mistakes. That’s what they do.
Please, Mr. President, if you are re-elected, be a leader. For us, the people who have cried and stayed up for hours stressed and filled with anxiety over the thought of being represented by you for four more years.
A young voter who is terrified of seeing you win again.