This week’s episode is HERE. Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful wishes and constant stream of support. Coming out of last week was a difficult race, but thankfully, I finished it. I’m so excited to be back in full swing this week with some great stories to share with you.
This is the story of how I gave myself my very own concussion. But how did you do that Frankie? Well, you see, friends, college. No seriously, a college party. But, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
This week, I compared my experiences of going to a Liberal Arts college vs. going to a Conservatory for acting. Disclaimer: this is obviously of my own experience, so don’t make any decision based on what I say! Go with your own version of what’s best for you when deciding on a school to either go to or transfer to.
I hope this episode will shed some light on both the pros and the cons of each type of secondary learning institution because I know that I was not educated very well on the subject while I was deciding on a school. I also discuss how my school works, just because there may be some who are looking into it and I hope you find this helpful! For some reason, my school holds a bad rep, but really, you get as much out as you put into your education, no matter where you go. End of story.
The OBC Album of the week is….. GYPSY! With lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and Music by Jule Styne.
I am currently doing a duet from this musical, and I thought I would share its brilliance. I love it, and you should too. Also, Patti Lupone?? A killer Rose, and probably my favorite one over the years.
This episode has been sponsored by PODCORN! If you’d like more information on Podcorn visit them at www.podcorn.com !!!! They have been such an amazing company to work with, and I hope that you use them as you follow the next steps to improve and monetize your podcast :)
The next few weeks are going to be so busy, BUT I’m super excited to give a little teaser that I’m going to be having more GUESTS in the coming weeks. Have questions for people in the industry?? Shoot them my way!
As always, stay motivated, stay healthy, and eat the damn chocolate.
Frankie xoxoxo