Happy Monday!!!!
This week, I had a positive chat with such a lovely human being THE Lizz Picini. Not only is Lizz a teacher at the Broadway Dance Center, but she is also a creative being and performer herself (with many credits).
We chatted about what life has been like as an educator and performer during such an uncertain time in our industry, but also how she feels about the comeback that we’re trying to make. With everything that’s happened, Lizz has found a way to stay positive and be self-aware with every class she teaches.
Lizz gives some excellent advice in regards to whats it like to be on either side of the table, which I find very important for EVERY performer to know. What happens behind the table are conversations that not many people get to know, and connections are everything in this business.
My favorite thing that Lizz told me this week was that of “Always showing up” because that is what the business is all about. If you never show up, how can you get better? How can you book a job? Exactly.
Lizz is a beautiful human, and EVERYONE should take her class every Monday and Saturday at 1pm! It is 75 minutes FULL of positivity and encouragement. DO IT!
Lastly, this will be the last episode of Shuttle to Marrs for a little while. I am taking a break from constantly working my creative brain, and I don’t want to become unhappy with my work or produce low-quality work for you all. I love you too much to do that. I am so grateful for this opportunity and I cannot wait to be back and better than ever with even more stories and guests.
Until next time,
Namaste <3
xoxoxoxo Frankie